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Brains Inspiring Business
for Leaders 

Book - Brains Inspiring Business for Leaders

The Book 

Boook, Brains Inspiring Business for Leaders, Edited by Dr. Paul Brown and Nandini Das Ghoshal

Brains Inspiring Businesses for Leaders and Executives

Brains Inspiring Businesses for Leaders and Executives is written by a group of experienced coaches associated with ION Consulting, people who Dr Paul Brown has gathered together in the course of his career as an acclaimed professor of Applied Neuroscience and the main architect of the professional development programme for coaches, The Science of the Art of Coaching, delivered over 12 seasons. 

The chapters are distinct, bringing the various authors' personal insights and experiences to the surface.  All hold to the central thinking around the power of emotions and energy and their critical roles in our decision-making and approach to managing relationships and work culture. 

The book references Dr Brown’s ‘London Protocol of the Emotions’ framework, which links the core ‘primary’ emotions of Sadness, Shame, Disgust, Anger, Fear, Surprise/Startle, Excitement/Joy and Love/Trust to the six emotional reaction Fs: Faint, Freeze, Fight, Flight, Frolic and Faith, and the allied roles of the neurochemicals cortisol, noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin in that framework.

The thirteen authors, all of whom have either been on Dr Brown's six-month brain-based continuing professional development programme The Science of the Art of Coaching, or have published with him give passionate accounts of the value of what they have discovered in their corporate and individual consulting work, using the brain-based knowledge that they have.

It is a must have on the book shelf of any leader or executive as it is the only book of its kind. 

  • Indispensable for leaders, executives and coaches to understand behaviour from the lens of the science of brains and behaviour 

  • Written by senior coaching and learning professionals highlighting their rich, in-depth experience of applying a working uderstanding of real client issues 

  • A Global collaboration with authors from the United Kingdom, Asia, and Australia.

  • Featuring the London Protocol of Emotions as a working model of the emotions and how it can be used in a practical way to enhance individual and team potential.

About the Authors/Editors

Prof. Paul Brown

(Late) Prof. Paul Brown

Prof. Paul Brown was the Chairman and Managing Director of ION Consulting International Pte. Ltd. As a practising clinical and organisational psychologist, in 2008 he had held the world’s first visiting professorial appointment in organisational neuroscience at London’s South Bank University following his Visiting Professorship in Individual and Organisational Psychology at Nottingham Law School (2002-11). He has been Professor of Organisational Neuroscience, Monarch Business School Switzerland (2014-2023); is Visiting Professor at Henley Business School, UK; and was attached to three other UK universities for higher degree supervision.  

Nandini Das Ghoshal

Nandini is the Chief Learning Officer and Co-founder/Director of ION Consulting International Pte Ltd.​

She is an experienced leadership coach and learning facilitator, based out of Singapore. She also has a certification in psychotherapy and is member of the coaching bodies - IAC and EMCC. 

She offers one on one leadership coaching, be-spoke programs on leadership, team effectiveness, career transition for individuals and groups. Nandini practices emotionally empowering coaching which is strength-based and rests on the knowledge of the way our brain works. She draws from the GROW model, Applied Neuroscience, Neurobehavioral Modelling, and Narrative Therapy. 


Brains Inspiring Business for Leaders and Executives

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